Alpha Chapter | University of California, Santa Barbara
G I V I N G.
What’s the point of a sorority?
It is hard to explain a sorority to someone who has never had a personal experience or involvement with fraternity and sorority life. It can be intimidating when the stereotypes and negative opinions are stacked against us. How can we, as sorority women, confidently share who we are and what we stand for to someone whose only references are outrageous movies and negative media stories?
When we’re asked to explain the relevance of sorority membership, what we’re really being asked is to explain what we’re getting out of being a member.
So, what IS the point of a sorority? What are we getting out of this experience?
For one, sorority membership opens the door to a long list of opportunities—leadership, community service, personal growth and professional development to name a few.

W E?
We’re a women’s organization. It starts with that. But where we go from there is up to the woman.
Chi Delta Theta offers a member experience ranging from friendship to mentoring, from leadership to service and from campus activities to a lifetime of community involvement.
We encourage our members to support causes that are closest to the needs in their communities. So we provide leadership and empower their social entrepreneurship to do something that matters – right where they live.


We know that classes at UCSB are draining at times, that's why we are always here to help out with anything you need! From everyone we meet, we always try to leave them with a smile because there is never enough to go around.
There are hundreds of leadership opportunities here. We encourage members to participate in chapter management through elected and appointed positions. Working together develops time management, collaboration and interpersonal skills that will serve the chapter and prepare the member for life after college!