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Chi Delta Theta Chapters

A Chapter - University of California, Santa Barbara

Β Chapter - California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo 

Γ Chapter - Loyola Marymount University 

Δ Chapter - California State University, Long Beach 

Ε Chapter - University of California, Davis 

Ζ Chapter - University of California, Los Angeles

​H Chapter - California State University, Northridge

Θ Chapter - University of California, San Diego

one family


Chapter History


Chi Delta Theta was officially established as Alpha Chapter  at the University of California at Santa Barbara on October 13, 1989 by Miss Alison Stripling and Miss Joanne Yamaoka- Kato. With nineteen founding members, Chi Delta Theta was the first Asian-American interest sorority recognized on campus.


On February 3, 1992, Chi Delta Theta expanded to Cal Poly 
San Luis Obispo. The
Beta Chapter was established on April 24, 1993.


On February 1, 1997, Chi Delta Theta expanded to Loyola Marymount University. The Gamma Chapter was established on April 30, 1999. 


On February 28, 1998, our sorority then expanded to Cal State University Long Beach. The Delta Chapter was established on May 22, 1999.


On February 20, 1999, we expanded to the University of California, Davis.  The Epsilon Chapter was established on April 30, 2000.


On May 23, 2008, Chi Delta Theta expanded to the University of California, Los Angeles. The Zeta Chapter was established on August 20, 2010.


On June 23, 2016, Chi Delta Theta expanded to California State University, Northridge. The Eta Chapter was established on August 18, 2018.

we live truly.

it's our purpose.


Each of us wants to make friends, learn new things and do something that matters. It’s part of the human experience. You might say it’s in our DNA, but that doesn’t make it any easier to do. So in 1989, nineteen members formed an organization that would help them move these ideas forward.

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crossing our theta colony

Welcome our newest addition to our family! Expanded in 2021, these seven amazing members have dedicated a tremendous amount of effort and passion to develop at the University of California, San Diego! 

Welcoming SIBLINGS to UCSB

Not only do Chi Delts work hard to make everlasting friendships, we also know how to get down! Siblings from all chapters are welcome to travel down to UCSB and visit us where it all began! Many chapters come together every year, whether it be socials or community service events. Chi Delts family spreads all across California! 

@ 2024 Chi Delta Theta Sorority Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Web Designer Serena You
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